NEST’s first face-to-face meeting

Written by Sama Abu Hamdieh

On Saturday, December 3rd, 2022, we hosted our inaugural face-to-face meeting with participants from our NEST program. Approximately 20 artists, alongside Jafra’s team, convened at the French-German Center in Ramallah for a full day of activities, where we cooked, jammed, connected, and forged personal connections.

The primary objective of this event was to foster a more intimate relationship among the participants and to provide the much-needed space for Palestinian artists to discuss, develop, and excel in their musical endeavors. Throughout the day, we bonded over a communal dinner featuring the renowned dish, Makloubeh. As the hours passed, impromptu jam sessions emerged, with participants sharing original songs, strumming guitars, and crafting beats from any available surface—a truly magical experience.

Facilitating connections was paramount to the success of this event. Through these interactions, we gained insights into the musical tastes, personal stories, passions, and aspirations of the participants within NEST. While some were unable to attend in person due to residing in Gaza or abroad, we made efforts to engage with them via video call. Notably, during one such call, we learned that Osprey V, a participant, is part of Gaza's sole rock band—a testament to the diverse musical landscape within Palestine.

We also conducted a video interview with one of NEST’s participants, Tareq Abboushi, reflecting on the program's impact, captured during the gathering.

If you would like to see Tareq’s NEST profile and his work links please click here

NEST stands as a music incubator dedicated to cultivating a sustainable music ecosystem and fostering a vibrant cultural milieu rooted in liberation, independence, and mutual respect. Tailored to bands and musicians committed to advancing their careers, NEST provides support in project development, offering workshops and guidance to ensure both artistic fulfillment and financial sustainability at every stage of their journey.

An interview with Dinamiin one of the participants telling us her opinion about NEST program

If you would like to see Dinamiin’s NEST profile and her work links please click here

And another interview with Ebaa Monther (Ani)

If you would like to see Ani’s NEST profile and her work links please click here


The Industry from the Artists’ Perspective: Production, Publishing, and Needs in Palestine